AKC Champion Maltese puppy with a luxurious white coat, DNA health-tested parents, and exceptional show-quality lineage. AKC Maltese puppies for sale

Storybook Maltese

The Storybook Maltese Puppy Difference...

Consistent ethics & dedication you can count on for the life of your Maltese puppy!

Dearest Barbara,

  We need to tell everybody that you already do business with, and potentially will, how we feel about what you, Storybook Maltese, & Steve mean to us, & how you were there for us more than once in our darkest hours of pet parenting.

  When our Maltese, Sheli, died in March 2014, at 13 years old, while we were vacationing in Israel for the winter, we were lost. There's nothing worse than the feeling of losing your beloved Maltese. They form a child/parent bond with you & always give way more love than you can ever return.

  After a proper grieving & mourning process we began the search for a new puppy. We had very specific characteristics. Our last Maltese had been quite large so we were hoping for close to a teacup size, and above all, temperament was everything. It had to be a calm & friendly. Our old dog was a bit on the "hyper" side. Since we were still in Israel at the time, and not at home in New Jersey, we started looking for breeders through the Internet and by phone, starting in the NJ area. Our criteria was Reputation, No inbreeding, Not a puppy mill, and someone who was an actual breeder, Not a wholesaler. Well, we worked our way all the way west out to Kansas City, Mo until we found Barbara Shewmake & Storybook Maltese. Her reputation was impeccable, she actually was a breeder who does National dog shows, and the most important thing to us, which no other "so called breeder" would allow us to do, she invited us to come out to Kansas City to see her operation. We wanted to know where she breeds her puppies, under what conditions etc. That meant the world to us. We really wanted to know that our new puppy was coming from a clean, pure, healthy & comfortable environment. We wanted to meet its parents, its siblings, see how all of her other puppies are treated. We were very particular.

  Within days of our return from Israel in May 2014, we went to Kansas City to meet with Barbara & Steve, & we adopted not 1, but 2 twin puppies. We were so impressed with her & the operation she was running, the method she was breeding her puppies, the cleanliness & supervision.   All of her dogs were such high quality, with good temperaments, so cared for. Our comfort level soared. We left knowing that she would always be there for us, with all our questions, and it would be a relationship that wouldn't end with the sale, but would keep on keeping on, and it has.

With all our sincerest respect & love

Alan & Cheryl Willinger

New Jersey

When we were looking for a Maltese I had a lot of concerns. Mainly I wanted to find a puppy that I knew was healthy and happy.  I did a lot of research and while that helped  me to learn more about selecting a puppy, it also alerted me to the importance of finding a puppy from a quality breeder.  I continued to search and was lucky enough to find Storybook Maltese.  When I contacted Barbara I knew that I had found the right breeder.  Barbara is very informative about the Maltese breed.  She provided an enormous amount of information regarding the breed and what is involved in having them as part of your family.  Because Barbara was very selective about where her puppies are placed I knew that this was not a puppy mill situation.  

When in the process of searching for a puppy I did run into some suspicious sellers who claimed to be quality breeders but upon further research online I found additional information that included complaints from previous customers and one I found was actually under investigation for animal abuse.  It's important to do your research.  

Barbara is selective about where puppies are placed and genuinely cares about her dogs, the puppies, and the families they are placed with.  Barbara will answer any and all questions you have both before and after getting a puppy.  When selecting a puppy she was very informative about his temperament and personality of the puppies available.  She gives details about care that is essential to becoming very prepared for bringing a puppy home.  

Benny came to us looking beautiful and well care for.  He was so calm and happy. He was purse trained and had begun potty training already.  Barbara was in contact to follow up with us as well as available to answer our questions.  I know that our puppy came from a very loving and caring environment

Lisa Moriarty

Saratoga, CA

When we brought our first Storybook puppy ‘Hope’ home, it wasn’t very long before we were back to add another. Next we added tiny ‘Bella’. We can’t imagine our lives without these precious babies.  I’ve never had a dog like this before. They’re happy, healthy and truly do have the most amazing temperament.  The extra effort this breeder puts into training her puppies shows.  Our dogs were both potty trained and purse trained by the time we got them. Who knows?  They’re addictive…we may be back for one more!

Carol F - White Bird, ID

Jules is still doing really well.  She is so good at taking baths, having her nails trimmed, and teeth brushed.  You must have practiced with her.

Dr. & Mrs. Complin - San Diego, CA

Thank you so much for the most wonderful gift to our family, Skippy!

Wow! He is a smart, healthy, loving, calm, playful guy!

We could tell that Skippy had come from a loving home by how thoroughly you interviewed us prior to adopting him.

We were so nervous when we adopted Skippy. We had lots of concerns: Would we be good dog parents? Would he smell? Would he shed? Could we potty train him? Would he be healthy? Would he be the right temperament for our family? You told us that you would help us through each question and every issue even long after his adoption. I was skeptical because I couldn't imagine that to be true, but it has been true every step of the way!

When we first adopted Skippy, I was like a new mom! I had a lot of anxiety and worries about my abilities to be a good mother to my children and a new puppy. I also didn't fully understand the habits or needs of our little furry friend, Skippy. I was a bit panicked! Skippy was so scared and shaking that first day, and I think he sensed my lack of confidence as well. But you were amazing, calm and comforting. I found that I could ask you anything, anytime and you responded quickly. You filled a role that sort of reminded me of what my mother did for me when I had children!

Eventually, we became confident in our parenting skills with skippy. My kids have always treated him gently, like a baby. They learned to hold him while they were sitting because Skippy was so small. They learned to respect and trust each other. Now he is definitely a part of our family and we couldn't imagine life without Skippy!

His favorite game is fetch, which is perfect because my kids love to play ball. (He fetches small tennis balls.) Recently, he has learned to play "indoor soccer" with his tennis ball in our basement! It's hilarious! He usually has two or three balls going at once!

Skippy does not smell. I cannot stand the smell of dogs or cats. We get him groomed frequently because we like him to be perfectly clean but even if we didn't, I don't think he would smell! He doesn't shed. He loves treats which is good for potty training. (He was piddle pad trained when we got him but we wanted him to go outdoors.) Potty training for us meant that he was in a pen whenever he was not being watched carefully.

He is a smart dog! He is also very healthy and has not been sick since we adopted him! The Vet and groomer love him because he is so cooperative, gentle and trusting. Most of all, Barbara, you were accurate and honest when describing Skippy's personality! He is the perfect friend for our family.

Thank you!

Ellen Camp - Texas

Congratulations to the Camp family on adding ‘Cookie’
to their wonderful family!

I had been looking the last five years for a companion for Buddy, our greatest treasure of the last seven years, always scouring the ads for a little female. I always seemed to be a little too late to the party, as it were, and I always said it just wasn’t meant to be. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I didn’t want to settle for a backyard breeder because you can never be certain of a pure bred line or unknown flaws that may appear later. My sister’s Maltese has a bad overbite and her daughter’s Maltese is way oversize. When our little one was diagnosed last summer with heart problems, I renewed my search for a reputable breeder to find him a companion. I was lucky enough to find Barb and Storybook Maltese.

I can’t say enough good things about Storybook Maltese. You are on this website because you are interested in the Maltese breed. If you are new to this breed, you will find that their gentle and sweet nature and their lively and intelligent personalities can’t be rivaled, at least in my mind, also a mom of two beautiful Maltese. I kiddingly tell people that Buddy is our marriage counselor which is true to a degree. He has given us so much unconditional love and given us so much happiness. How fitting that we got Pink from Barb and Steve on Mother’s Day. She made this mother very happy and she put a spark back into Buddy’s life and has given him a warm little companion to cuddle up to.

Nurturing their puppies in a loving home devoted to their happiness and well-being is what makes Storybook “first rate”. And it doesn’t hurt that their Maltese are really beautiful. They are a happy little pack which was my first indicator that they had a loving home. I hope you will take this opportunity to contact and meet Barbara and Steve and their adorable family of Maltese. You can be sure any of their puppies are top of the line and will melt your heart.

I am so looking forward to my second little girl from Storybook in about three to four months. I would like to extend a personal thank you to Barb and Steve for enriching our lives with these fiercely loyal little companions.

Sandy Smith - San Diego, CA

Hi Barb,

We are so blessed to have the puppies. They are so funny and cute, especially when they are playing their ''tug of war" with the rope. That's their favorite toy. Even though they have the same toys, but in different colors, it seems they both go after the one the other one has. They play so well together: it's delightful to watch them interacting. They are so smart and caring for each other.

It's more like they are twins; wherever one is, the other comes over to be with his brother. Thursday I looked around for the boys and I could only see one head in a travel bag.  I didn't realize the other boy was in the same bag. Pippin (formerly Bashful) has overcome his shyness. Sometime he is the leader, sometimes, it is Baleigh.

Friday, I was in the kitchen and who appears but Baliegh. We had a gate at the bottom of those stairs but somehow Baleigh had found a way up, and Pippin followed him. Needless to say, we found another gate.

We are grateful we could get both puppies. I can't imagine their sadness if they couldn't be together or our sadness of not having both of them in our life.

The Smith Family


I'm writing this news about Biscuit and me. Brother and I are still together almost all the time and we follow mom everywhere. We have a regular routine: 7:00 pm grooming, eyes cleaned, teeth brushed, ears checked and then the good part, getting our hair brushed. After this, we do some serious playing. This is so fun. We play with our chews and tug of war. Mom or dad gives us some loving and hugs. Usually we hit the soft pillows for a good night's sleep.

Biscuit and I are still like twins: we are always together. We sleep on top of one another or at least near by. When brother moves, I move with him. Mom has to look for us because we look like one dog, not two. We are not jealous. I learned to come down the stairs by mom putting treats on each stair. Biscuit could not master this until mom said treat for coming down the stairs. I have never seen Biscuit run so fast down the stairs and even got his treat earlier than me. Can you believe it? We get along so well and are always playing in the family room. Mom and dad think this is so funny. We stand on our two feet and turn around and walk this way. They love us so much and enjoy our antics; They are always laughing at our playing. They enjoy us and love us and we love them.

We had our shots so we are clear on that score. The vet is so nice and hugged us so we would feel at ease. Oh, and another thing, we had our grooming last week with the nicest person Kate. Do you know what she did? A week before our "official grooming day" she came from Roseville to get acquainted with us. She played with us, cut our nails and trimmed the hair around our eyes. We really like her.

This one last part, you should hear the compliments we get "oh how cute, how beautiful, where did you get them?' Buscuit has so much energy. He is always running around, sometimes getting in "situations", but I am the first to try a new experience. Sorry this is long. I'll let Biscuit write our next newsletter.

We are sending some pictures. Mom and dad talk about how wonderful you raised us and they wouldn't trade us for any other boys (our boys they call us).

Auburn, CA


This is the easiest puppy experience ever. His disposition is so good and he is almost potty trained. Only a few accidents. (Formerly ‘Tuck’) We call him Jeremy. He's doing great and getting a little bigger. He had his 1st vet visit and all was well. He's really happy and so are we.

John & Rose - Reno, NV

I wanted to stop by and say “thank you” for all you have done for me.

I bet I talked to 30 different show breeders all over the world and then I came in contact with you. You answered every question that I had and more on the phone that day and after talking to you I knew you truly cared for your pups. I could tell that you wanted a partner for each family and it was not about a sale for you.

Once I got her I felt that I would not keep in contact with you but instead you have now become like a mother to me. You have helped me so much with our pride and joy.

My sister also got a puppy right before we did from another breeder, and she had a little scare with her sugar levels and the lady who she got her from acted like it was not big deal, but you explained the whole thing to us and made me understand why you need to let the pup stay with you until you know she is ready to be with her new family. I could go on and on!! I thank you so much for everything and if any time you would like me to tell someone about our experience feel free to have them contact me!! Here is a picture of us and our 6 month old baby girl. She is so sweet and the calmest dog ever.

Jessica Haltrom - Lubbock, Texas

Happy to report that we had a good night.   Potty training is underway but boy he knows that potty is first thing in the am outside. You did a great job on that. He is a joyful character and so happy playing off and on during the day. He seems very happy, eating, and going to the potty so all is well. We Love Love Love him so much, he is perfect for us.

Bonnie L - Monterey, CA


Tank arrived only 5 short days ago by puppy stork. After 2 turbulent flights and an hour car ride from the airport to our home, he settled in so well. He is potty trained, is perfectly happy to ride around in his purse and loves his pen. in fact I have to keep annoying him so I can hug him enough. And while it doesn't seem to bother him much that I have to leave him with my husband to go to work, I have separation anxiety. The vet agreed that he is perfect and the vet tech just wanted to take him home with her. While he misses you and Steve, he seems to love us too. Everyone I tell about the shirts (your idea) comments on what a great idea that was. I am so lucky to have found you and Tank. Thanks again!

Joanne Graham - New Jersey

Barb, I Just wanted to let you know Charlee is getting us both trained very well … She is quite the little girl!  The very first night she slept between us in her purse and with the exception of waking us up a few times to go potty she slept through the night very sound and content. She has adjusted to this new environment like she has lived here her entire life. I think she may possibly be part Retriever as her favorite activity is a game we named "Go Get it" when I toss a chewy toy she fetches it better than any retriever I have ever seen, she runs after it and brings it back to me on the run only to beg me to toss it again. She is really remarkable …. She has several beds stationed throughout the house, but for the most part she is either in our lap or laying right next to either Sandi or I. We left her alone for a short time this morning to see how she would handle it, Sandi said when she returned home Charlee was sleeping in her bed very content. I don't think we could have found a better adjusted puppy anywhere. I know your recommendation of having her sleep with a tee shirt from Sandi and I really helped her to accept and adjust to us and her new home. Thanks once again for all you have done to help not only us but also Charlee.

Quentin & Sandi - Clive, IA

Update 2 weeks later:

Hi Barb .. Just wanted to let you know you quite possibly sold us the smartest little Maltese that has ever walked the face of the earth. Charlee has learned many, many commands and hand signals. She knows her name very well, will sit, stay, loves to fetch… retrieves her toys when thrown and brings them back wanting to once again have them tossed. She understands the word "Treat" She is also a great kisser and loves to give "smooches" Charlee absolutely loves attention.

The purse you recommended has been GREAT! We have purchased a second one as backup or for travel. Several times during the day she will go to her purse to take a little nap and always sleeps in it throughout the night (in bed between us) We have only heard Charlee bark a very few times, if she wants attention she usually whines or whimpers and that’s become very infrequent. Charlee has really become a pleasure to have as part of our family and in case you didn't realize she is very, very loved and well cared for.

Thank you once again for all you have done for us from day one. I don't think we could have found a better match or a better puppy without your help. Quentin

I always knew I wanted a Maltese puppy, especially after I lost my husband...told him I want a Maltese not another man!!

The question became, where do I find the baby of my dreams!! I searched the web high and low...then I found Storybook Maltese!!

I was astounded by the website...so much information available..not like other websites I had searched. I was thrilled to see a baby (puppy) was available!! I submitted my application and I guess the rest is history!!

I have the love of my pet life...his name is Bailey. He is everything Barbara said he was and would be!! Barbara has become my best text friend...not because Bailey isn't super but because she continues to support me!! She answers all my questions...is so knowledgeable!!

I can't thank her enough!! If you are looking for a Maltese, I highly recommend Storybook Maltese!! I could not have asked for a better baby!! All claims are true ...groomed trained, potty trained, pursed trained!!

I love Storybook Maltese, Bailey and Barb!! I thank her for her dedication to the breed!!

Should I ever decide to buy another baby ...there is only one place to go…Storybook Maltese!! Thank you again Barbara for all your support!!


Deborah - Sacramento, CA

Puppy update!!

She was wonderful all night. Played like crazy, then crashed. Then played. Then crashed. :) Slept mostly through the night. Took her to potty twice with the lights out. She only let a squeak out once in the night out of loneliness. I just put my hand in her bag and she licked it, then went back to bed. This morning she was beyond delighted to smother us in kisses. :)

Such a happy little girl!!

She already knows how to play fetch and is incredibly excited about little baby tennis balls. It's her favorite thing!

She's truly precious. Just a doll.

She's such a fast learner! She just beams when she knows she's done something that pleases us.

Shandi Finnessey - Studio City, CA

2004 Miss USA

Dancing With The Stars

I give Storybook Maltese a 10+ rating! Very pleased with our new baby! Communication was great through out our expecting period and delivery was perfect and right on time! We highly recommend them!

Steve Kennedy - Blanco, TX

Thank you Barb for such a stress-free adoption of our wonderful Maltese, Bo. We were so nervous because Bo was going to fly from Missouri to California. When we picked him up at the airport Bo was safely resting and ready to play as soon as we picked him up. Barb made sure he was safe for the trip, with extra blankets and food and water, and he showed no signs of stress from his long trip. Barb was wonderful through the whole process. She took countless hours answering all our questions and making sure we were ready for Bo to join our family. Bo is everything we hoped - he is calm, lovable, and always ready to play. Thanks to Barb for everything! Bo is the perfect addition to our family.


Oakland, CA

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I wanted to make sure and write something down that will help others that are considering a Maltese puppy.

Storybook Maltese is top of the line. I lost my Maltese Noah of 12+ years and was considering getting a puppy when I happened across this site.  Barbara's maltese are beautiful, but what impressed me most was the effort, dedication and heart that was clear from her site.  I had done a thorough search both when I chose Noah and now and no breeder compared.  And, that characteristic held throughout the entire process of bringing home my puppy, Bear.

From the day Bear was born to the day he came home, I felt connected to him through daily videos and communications with Barbara.  The tee shirt is genius!  It provides a bonding that makes a tremendous difference.  And, even after Bear came home, Barbara is always accessible to answer questions or assist.  You and your puppy are completely supported through the entire process.   Storybook puppies are truly "super" puppies.  

Bear's vet has noted a number of times that he is exceptional - healthy, happy and well adjusted.  We started working with a trainer the first week Bear arrived and she was amazed that at his age he was so smart and confident. The training that these puppies receive with Barbara makes them open and adaptable to new situations.  He is such a smart puppy.  Bear loves to learn and learns quickly.  He’s beautiful, smart and healthy, but most of all, he is a sweet little boy. I just adore him! I am so grateful to have found Barbara and Storybook Maltese. I couldn't have had a better experience.  If you want to adopt a Maltese puppy do not hesitate for a second. You have been lucky enough to come to the perfect place!  

~Patricia Blanchini~

Dear Barbara, Whisper, Gigilo, and Angel,

I read Patricia Blanchini’s outstanding review about her experience with Storybook Maltese and about her wonderful little “Bear”. Patricia expressed my experience and sentiments “to a T”!

Our little Bear grew up with Patricia’s, thanks to Angel, who took Bear in as her own when his mom, Whisper, was having a hard time after birthing five puppies—five is quite challenging, but Angel stepped in and Bear grew up with her brood.

Our Bear is a true delight-sweet, loving, mischievous, and hilarious, all in one little fluffy body. I can’t say enough about the love and joy he has brought us.

But I want to talk about the amazing story of Hope, and the lengths to which Barbara went to help her live and thrive. Hope is Bear’s little sister. At birth, she was too small and weak to nurse. Thank heaven for Barbara. For days, Barbara tube-fed Hope every two hours (while taking care of all the pups and running her household). Barbara gave Hope the chance she needed.

Before long, Hope was back with her Mom, Whisper, nursing and growing. Soon after that, Hope was in Kindergarten with the other pups, playing and learning along with them.

Talk about a breeder’s love!

So, thank you Barbara, for the love and care you give to all your dogs and pups.

Thanks also to Papa Gigolo and Mama Whisper and Mama Angel, for bringing us the joy of our little Bear.

Esther Hutchison

Beautiful doll face Maltese puppy with teady bearI am writing this to share the joy that Missy brings to us.  She loves my husband and he melts and spoils her more.  She is absolutely perfect.  No matter where she is in the house when she has to potty she runs to her pee pad.  

She loves and plays with all her toys, especially the one you gave her.  She is happy, healthy, and beautiful.  This is all because of you.  You are caring, loving, devoted and certainly know what you are doing.  The time you take to train the puppies and love each and every one of them is far beyond what anyone would expect.  You deserve so much more credit for what you do, for instance staying up all night to be with them when mama gives birth.  You nurture them and that is why my Missy is so smart.  When you wanted to be called when we arrived home so you wouldn't worry is something only a mother would want.  My husband was so grateful for that.  These are qualities that you and only you possess and that is why my husband and I thank you for letting us have Missy.

Yours truly,

John & Janet Ferreri

Adorable Maltese puppy with birthday cakeIf you are looking to adopt a Maltese puppy, you need look no further.  Storybook Maltese and breeder Barbara Shewmake are the absolute best!  

In the spring of 2016 we lost our beloved 7 year old Maltese, Charlie, to kidney failure.  We had adopted him from a local breeder as a pup.  Devastated over his loss, we second guessed ourselves about everything we might have done that contributed to his illness at such a young age.  (In hindsight, he had health issues from the beginning but we thought we were addressing them and he would be okay.) A few months after his passing, still grieving, we experienced a “sign” that it was time to look for another precious pup.  But this time health was first and foremost, so my husband began researching Maltese breeders online.  

Initially he looked for breeders within a 250 mile radius of where we live, but when he’d find one there was always a red flag.  Eventually he came across Storybook Maltese and we both began to delve into the information on the website.  We were impressed with everything we read, but could we believe what we read?  My husband began communicating with Barb Shewmake by text and arranged a conference call with her.  She was absolutely delightful and it was clear she loved and adored her dogs, was an expert on the breed, and wanted to make sure that we were the right fit for one of her dogs.  Prior to that call we had been pretty sure Storybook Maltese was where we needed to adopt, but after our conversation with Barb by phone we were 100% confident we were talking to a top notch breeder.  Soon after we submitted our paperwork to adopt, Barb notified us she had a female pup available for adoption.  We were thrilled!  And we gave her the very special name of Ruby Jane.  While Ruby Jane wasn’t quite ready to leave her momma, Barb’s daily videos were awesome!  We could track her development, along with her brother and sisters, and see her growth and sassy personality.  I shared those videos daily with family and friends.  Our excitement for Ruby Jane grew as we watched the videos and we were so happy when Barb notified us that Ruby Jane was ready to go to her new Kentucky home.  Barb arranged for a puppy carrier to fly her into Nashville where we met her.  Our hearts absolutely melted when we saw her.  Totally adorable and most importantly, healthy!    That was almost three years ago.  My husband and I agree that Ruby Jane is the absolute best!  She’s beautiful, fun and funny, a great communicator, lovable, and a true lap dog.  She’s everything you read about on the Storybook Maltese site.  And Barbara is always there for us whenever we have a question.  We consider her our extended family and are grateful to Barb and Steve for our beautiful Ruby Jane.

Sally Ray and Roger Vincent

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